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          Facts about Ohrid


         LAKE OHRID



In the ancient traditions, lakes were regarded to be the eyes of the earth. If so, then the earth has been looking through the eyes of Lake Ohrid for more than 5 million years, hypnotizing anyone who passes near by or travels through. Perhaps that is the reason why whoever comes here, will come back again, and again, trying to find out the secret of this attraction, until one finds out that there is no secret but a surreal beauty that tantalizes the heart at first site, enhancing everyones soul and body with harmony and peace.
This living organism that holds the memory of the primeval times, although ancient, is continually regenerated by thousands of coastal and underwater springs, so it always looks like it was just created.
It is a habitat of life that used to exist before the last ice-age and is still to be found here. Even 70% of its flora and fauna are indigenous which makes it a biomuseum of living fossils, which lends great importance to the Lake and to the understanding of evolution as a worldwide phenomenon.
The water of the lake, as clean as it is, righteously bears the name "THE LIQUID JEWEL", while being soaked in its waters means to absorb the virtues and various properties that it possesses, and to understand and feel the uniqueness of this lake, one just has to come and experience it for oneselfs.



Age..............The origin of the Lake is connected with the tectonic changes in the Tertiary, 4 - 10 mill.years ago, and it is one of the oldest lake in the world. Only Tanganjika in Africa, Titicaca in South America, and Lake Bajkal in Siberia came into being in the same geological period.
max. depth..................286m,
one of the deepest in Europe

average depth............151m
area.............................358 km2
altitude........................695 m
max. length.................31km
max. width...................15 km
max. summer temp....24 - 25°C
average temp...................11°C
The fish fauna............with the subspecies,
there are 19 species altogether, ten of which are indigenous

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